Look at that hair! Everywhere we go people can't get over Emmy's hair. Everyone LOVES it! I hear over and over again, "How did you get a red head, we wanted one and never got one and red hair is on both sides of the family!" Emmy is a big baby, very tall and also on the hearty side. She has her first two bottom teeth already, which is about a month earlier than our other babies. Her personality is easy going, but at the same time, if she has something to say, we all hear it! She is loud when she cries, loud when she talks and she likes to growl, it's a dainty growl. When she was smaller she use to "meow" and we called her our little kitty cat. She is super social and loves new faces to smile at. She is really fun at a party because she goes around smiling at everyone. She easily entertains herself but loves to be entertained. She is aware of everything around her. She is very very interested in Tommy and tries to grab at him and check him out and smile at him every chance she gets. On the other hand, Tommy is only semi interested in her. Sometimes he'll smile at her if their eyes cross paths, but otherwise he's doing his own thing. That's our Emmy Doll!
Look at those blue blue eyes! Tommy's eyes mesmerize me and he loves to look at and focus on faces. He will look right at you with good concentration for a very long time, as if he is having a little insight into your soul. It makes for a sweet feeling of connection with him. He is my more demanding, but mild baby. His personality is a little more serious and perhaps quiet. He LOVES to be held and always prefers it. I think he has a brilliant little mind. He seems to already have an understanding of how a tantrum works and he pulls them from time to time. It makes me laugh because he is so little! The other day he was in his bouncy seat but he wanted to be held, so he let out his best tantrum, stopped, then looked right at me as if to say, "OK, now you know what I want, let's see it happen!" Mike and I cracked up! That said, he has a sweet calm nature about him. He likes to laugh, but Bryant can get him laughing harder than anyone. When he "talks" it sounds like he is trying to carry on a conversation with someone, it's the cutest thing! That's our Tommy Boy!
I couldn't get these two to smile at the same time today, so I had to post two pics of this one.