
Monday, March 19, 2012

Happy 7 Months Emmy & Tommy!!!!

 Oh Tommy Boy!!  This baby boy is FULL of smiles these days!  He use to be more serious and now he can't stop smiling and we LOVE it!!!!  We are also loving his cute blonde hair!  Look how blue his eyes are.  I can't believe that 3 of our 4 kids have blue eyes!  Mine and Bryant's are hazel.  He's sitting up like a pro these days!
 Here are the two peas in a pod! I kiss those four cheeks all day long!  They still can't get enough of their toes!
It's Emmy Doll! Here's our pretty little girl.  Her hair is more grown in on the top so now we can sweep it over with a clip.  It doesn't always have to be in a curled mow hawk!  She still spits out anything I put in her mouth, but I am obviously not worried about her nutrition.  She loves sitting up as well and she is rolling over constantly to get something she wants.  She gets her hands on everything and into everything.  She is so good at grabbing!  She is the sweetest little thing ever!!
 Here is the reality of my day all around me in full exposure!  It isn't always this messy, gratefully so, but some times real life just happens and we love it all the same!
 They are getting soooo big!  The three of us are really filling up this chair now!  Emmy's eating her zipper.

 Tommy is helping me feed Emmy.  I love it!  He is good at holding onto his bottle now.  He's trying to show Emmy how to do it.
  I love this view.  The bald heads on the back are priceless!
 Here they are staring at each other and smiling.  They started grabbing at each other's faces after this shot.  They were pulling noses and poking eyes, smiling all the while.
 I love this shot not to admire my big nose, but because of the eye color contrast.  Look at how blue his eyes are!
Happy Happy 7 month Birthday Emmy & Tommy!  It has been a wonderful, busy, heavenly, exhausting, fun 7 months with you!  You bring TONS of happiness into our lives each day.  We can't imagine our lives without you and are glad we don't have to.  We love you so much!!!!!!!!


  1. They look like such HAPPY little things!!!!!!! SO FUN! And I love the "reality" picture w/ the HUGE box of diapers. hahaha

  2. Such cute photos Heather! The twins are adorable! I love the little clip in Emmy's hair. I also love Tommy's open mouth smile!
